Saturday 11 February 2012


So i've been a little strange in the head and i've strayed from my blogging. I've done my tasks but I was in hiding from the world for a while but i'm back now and here is all my completed tasks!

Task 2 - Get Real
This is all about excuses. I thought i'd conquered them last round and I had, but a few more crept in over the school holidays. A big one for me was 'I'm too tired'. Over the holidays I started staying up way too late, afterall I didn't have to get the kids up and ready and I could relax in the mornings! Nup bad idea that was. My solution was obvious - go to bed earlier, if you want to watch something then record it and watch it the next day rather than sit infront of the idiot box all night. My other excuse is hormonal and to do with TTOTM. Well lets just say that some days I literally cannot leave the house. Another simple solution - do a workout at home. I have myself a Mish DVD and I really gotta use it on those days as well as my Wii Active!
A great excuse for me was 'It's too hot' which is strange because I love the heat. Just another excuse so I didn't have to bother on the school holidays! This is really bad because I do most of my workouts at the gym so I just gotta suck it up and JFDI - yup that is my solution and to help me with that, remember that in the heat I burn more cals!
Excuse #4 is injury. I did conquer this one in Round 3, I injured my calf muscle but I made sure I worked the upper body. BUT this excuse crept in again during the warmer days of summer. My calf was twinging and I was too scared i'd do damage to it again that I didn't do exercise!
My last excuse was 'Sick Children'. This is a hard one for me as my kids don't get sick often but when they do I skip the gym and mother them. So from now on when they are sick, i'll just workout at home.

Task 3 - Set your Goals
Round 3 2011 saw me smash my goals so resetting them was difficult for me as I am so very close to my goal weight that it is getting harder and I have no idea on my appropriate time frames now. So my main goal is to get to a healthy weight range (6kg to go) for the end of this round and then reassess once i've lost that 6kg.
My 6 month goal is to maintain and tone and in order to do this i'm already committed to signing up to Round 2 2012!
Now the big goal for me. I will run 5km by November 2012. I have a lot of work to do on this with building up the strength in my knees. During Round 1 2012 i'll be starting the C25k app to help me with this goal.

Task 4 - Gear Up
This one was easy for me. I have my Polar HRM, Gym Membership, Digital Kitchen Scales and for Christmas I got some fabulous Scales for my weigh ins. The only thing I really got myself was a new yoga mat.

Task 5 - Say it Out Loud
Here is my committment:
This round I am committed to losing a further 6kg. I will do this by eating clean and training 6 days per week at the gym. I will also get over my 'fear' of weight training in the gym and do my weight program at least weekly in addition to Body Pump classes.

Task 6 - Kitchen Makeover
Righto, Kitchen wasn't too bad. I did have a few better option 'treat' things for my daily snack allowance that I had to get rid of as those treats were more-ish and I couldn't stop at one. The kids have a few treats in there of which i'm not a fan so they aren't a danger to me. The hardest thing there is telling the kids that it is a very rare treat for them! My fridge is now stocked with yoghurts for my snacks and I have a nice big bowl of fruit on the kitchen bench. Just have to sort out a herb garden!

Task 7 - Organize and Diarize
I have my diary, and in it is my gym timetable as well as i've written in my exercise plan for each day. Shopping days will be Monday (child free finally woohoo!) and as for pre cooking meals I just make extra when cooking dinner and then freeze leftovers into portions. My Red Flags that I know of are all planned out as are my milestone/fitness test weeks.

Task 8 - Measure Up
Done and dusted! Nice to see smaller numbers from my Round 3 12 week measure up :) I've also noticed my thigh measurements have evened out and my thighs are now the same size LOL

So my tasks are done for this round. I'm ready to SMASH IT!

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