Monday 12 December 2011

My Journey So Far

I can't believe how far i've already come in such a short time. It was the end of May 2011. I stood on the scales and couldn't believe my eyes 103kg was staring me in the face. Right then and there I decided my lifestyle had to change. I started going to Body Pump classes as a guest, a promotion my local gym had going during June 2011. I didn't join up right away as we were heading on holiday to Thailand and I decided to join on my return.

We arrived back from the holiday, I stepped on the scales and was 98.5kg. All that walking around in the humidity had helped and that spurred me on towards my goal. Before I managed to join the gym, I had won a 3 month membership from my daughters school in a fundraiser so I started the next day. They weighed and measured me at the gym on July 29 and I was 96.6kg. I was in the gym every day, determined and then I was told about Michelle Bridges 12wbt by a friend (OMG I can't thank her enough!) I signed up, completed all my pre season tasks. Kick off was 12th September I was 92.2kg. That is when the weight started melting off me. Once I understood that what I thought was healthy actually wasn't and I followed Mish's meal plans I was losing more than 1kg per week. During that 12 week stint I lost 17kg which was 18.44% of my body fat. I have gone from 'obese' to 'overweight'.

But other than the weight loss, so much more has happened. My knees are so much stronger, I am sleeping so much better, my skin and hair is healthier and i'm happier than I have been in a long time.

And that is my beginning, this blog is my continued story, something I can look back on to see how far I have come. I hope you are inspired by my journey.

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